Looking for a child who needs a home...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Strange and busy times!

Hello all of you who read this blog (all 2 of you that is!) Sorry for the long delay but I can honestly say there has been nothing to post about lately. We have struggled with the decision to withdraw from the Burundi program, but still feel like, for us, it was the right decision. We started to process to adopt from Ethiopia only to discover we would need an whole new homestudy and we would have to reapply for a I-600...thus adding even more expense than we previously estimated! I hate that bringing a child into our home is so dependent on money...that just seems so wrong to me.

However, we have made a decision to continue pursuing adoption. I'm going to be vague for a bit, so please forgive me. But things are so crazy in this ever constantly changing world of adoption, that I would hate to make any "announcement" only to have to retract it in a week or two. I have made that mistake before! So, I say with great enthusiasm, the fundraising continues! Right now, we have about $7000 more to go to reach our goal needed to finalize everything. I venture into the next weeks with slight trepidation, but I have so much Faith in my God, I know that fear will soon fade.

Please keep us in your prayers as we march along down this wandering path toward our daughter! thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. Your family is just beautiful.... I will be praying for you all and I know that God will provide...
    Thank you so much for adding our fundraiser button to your sidebar... what a blessing you are in so many ways....
    Stay the coarse.... God is going to bring your daughter home to her family....
    God's speed.....
