The weather here was amazing an August day in Maine! The boys enjoyed church with my folks while Andy and I stayed home and .... yip, you guessed it! CLEANED! Ug, the house was this side of a disaster-just awful and embarrassing! But the real reason we had to clean? We have someone who wants to look at it tomorrow! How exciting, our first showing. (If you didn't know, I had a wild hair and put the house on the market last week!) Don't ask me where we will go...I have no idea!
The garage sale was a huge success! We had tons of folks who brought over donations for us to sell (huge rocker, home appliances, futons!) It was truly amazing! And tomorrow, we send off a big ole check to the agency! Woo step closer to baby girl.
I swear our boys have grown 2 inches in the last week! Jack took off on his big bike "20 inch with hand brake/no trainers". Within a minute or two, he had that sucker whipped! So proud of him! Change is hard and he hated giving up his little 14" bike, but he looked ridiculous trying to pedal it...his knees would hit the handle bars! Jude followed right behind him on his little bike (with trainers) trying hard to keep up! While making a turn, he took a digger on the neighbors sidewalk and bloodied his knee. But never fear, today he decided to check out the creek at our local park and ended up soaked head to toe and another bloody knee. So they match now! He is all boy!
Well, I still have so much cleaning to do, so I'd better stopped procrastinating! Wish us luck tomorrow! It would be nice to trim our monthly house payment, but I sure do love my house... hmmmm.
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