Hi friends and family,
On January 12, the ground moved, buildings crumbled, and the lives of thousands of children in Haiti were drastically changed forever. My heart broke for them. When I looked at my children, all I could see was how amazingly blessed by God I was... I thanked God that I had family who would step up in my absence, I thanked God that I never worry about how to feed my children or how to keep them safe. I am so thankful and happy in my life, but felt this huge hole inside. How could I, a broke pre k teacher in Missouri help those in Haiti? And I prayed. Then, I got an email saying simply "Volunteers needed to play with Haitian Orphans for one week." God showed me how I could help! So, I set my sights on raising $2000 for my trip.
I was so thankful to have someone offer to sponsor me, but when I called to book my trip on Wednesday, it was full. As a matter of fact, every trip from now through May 1 was booked solid. At first, I was broken-hearted (still am, really) but imagine this...12 trips of 10 people each. That is 120 servants of God who had signed on to help within a week of being called! This is a great thing! I was waitlisted, but highly doubt my name will make it to the top anytime soon!
The orphans of Haiti have had hurdle after hurdle. From the horror of this event, perhaps a more global light will now shine on the devastation that they have endured for years. Prior to the earthquake, an adoption from Haiti took 2-3 years to complete. That is ridiculous, if you ask me. Maybe in the future, organizations will fight harder to break through the red tape that can be so detrimental to our world's most vulnerable.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of support in my recent decision to join a mission trip, even though it didn't work out. I know God has another direction for me. Perhaps Africa in the near future...? We still wait for word on Zoe, but our last update on Monday the 25th, seemed a very positive one.
Please keep Haiti in your prayers, far after the spotlight has shifted to a new worldwide crisis. Their pain and suffering will endure for quite sometime. But maybe this is our chance as Christians to exercise our power of prayer. Remember, because we pray, things ARE different.
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